New Dates for Go Gold and Leadership Retreat
New Dates for Go Gold and Leadership Retreat

Due to the continued uncertainty of the COVID-19 virus, we have had to postpone both the 2021 Go Gold and Leadership Retreat until later dates in the summer months. The locations and general agendas remain unchanged at this time.
Leadership Retreat has been rescheduled for July 15th-18th 2021. We continue to look forward to a wonderful retreat in Miami, Florida. See you on the beach!
Go Gold Retreat will be pushed to August 2021, with the finalized dates being set once Utah’s state officials release more information. We will keep you posted, stay tuned to the Synergy Blog for details.
Each of these trips were originally announced with two potential groups of qualifiers based on the qualification periods. Now, we will be merging the two qualifying groups into one for each retreat. This means a bigger and better party in Miami, and in Utah.
Additionally, this gives you a second chance to earn your place on the retreats with the upcoming qualification period starting January 2021 – June 2021. That is only weeks away! Get ready to build your business, we want you celebrating with Synergy this summer.
To those who have already qualified— congrats! We will be announcing qualifiers from the first period sometime soon. Keep an eye out for an email next month with more details.
Questions? Please reach out to our friendly Customer Service Agents today.
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